Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude. It is a time filled with family and friends. It is also a time when AAC users can feel left out. Here are some tips and ideas on how you can make everyone feel included in the joy of this holiday.
Thanksgiving: A Season for Gratitude
Hello AAC Family!
As we gear up for a season filled with warmth and gratitude, the Avaz Team sends a heartfelt and big THANK YOU for being an amazing part of our AAC journey. With the holiday season around the corner, let’s join hands to make these celebrations not only fun but also inclusive.
Here’s a Thanksgiving Avaz Feature Spotlight that may be useful for you this holiday season!

Additionally, here are some ideas to make your Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday celebrations memorable for everyone involved.
Holiday Card Workshop
Host a holiday card-making activity with the AAC user. Create AAC-friendly versions. Include symbols or visuals representing the event details, making it easier for AAC users to comprehend and participate in the planning.
Adaptive Game Night
Plan a game night with family filled with lots of love and bonding. Make sure to have inclusive games that encourage the AAC users to interact with everyone. Here’s a list of games that are AAC friendly!
AAC Treasure Hunt
Organize a scavenger hunt, and hide gifts or items in different places of your house. Organize mini tasks at every point, allow the AAC user to decode puzzles, and riddles and complete tasks using their AAC. Need inspiration and ideas? Here’s a video Team Avaz playing Treasure Hunt using only AAC.
AAC Friendly Cooking
Share the love and ingredients and cook together with the whole family while making it AAC friendly. Take a look at these AAC Friendly cooking treats to make your holiday much livelier!
Celebrating the festive season with special needs children can be joyful and rewarding with a bit of thoughtful planning. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:
Sensory Sensitivities
Consider the sensory environment such as lights, sounds, and textures. Provide quiet spaces where children can retreat if they feel overwhelmed.

Predictability and Routine
Maintain a sense of predictability and routine as much as possible. If there are disruptions, prepare them in advance and provide visual schedules to help with transitions.
Communication Supports
Ensure that communication supports are readily available. This may include AAC devices or even simple communication boards. Check for battery life and have a backup plan such as a charging station to avoid interruptions.
Inclusive Decorations
Consider using sensory friendly decorations. Incorporate decorations that are tactile and touch-friendly. Consider using soft fabrics and textured ornaments that individuals can engage with through touch without feeling overwhelmed.
As you dive into the warmth of celebrations, remember, that it’s the shared moments that truly make this season special. So here’s to a season of inclusion, laughter, and making everyone’s moment count.